Appendix 1 - Default Namespace ============================== **hcpsdk** is primarily targeting the :term:`authenticated Namespaces ` invented with HCP version 3. Nevertheless, it is possible to use **hcpsdk** with the legacy :term:`Default Namespace` by taking notice of a few differences: * As there is no user authentication with the Default Namespace, use the *hcpsdk.DummyAuthorization* class as the *authorization* argument when instantiating an *hcpsdk.Target* * Different from authenticated Namespaces, the root folder for requests is ``/fcfs_data`` (instead of ``/rest``) * An *HEAD* request for an object stored in the Default Namespace will yield very limited object metadata, only. If you need more, you need to request the metadata by a *GET* from ``/fcfs_metadata/your/path/to/object/core-metadata.xml`` * The Default Namespace can have a single annotation (custom metadata), only. You need to request it by a *GET* from ``/fcfs_metadata/your/path/to/object/custom-metadata.xml`` * Several actions you can trigger by a *POST* request to an authenticated Namespace need to be executed by a *PUT* to one of the files in ``/fcfs_metadata/your/path/to/object/``. .. Note:: Consult the manual **Using the Default Namespace** available from the HCP System and Tenant Management Consoles for details about working with the Default Namespace. Example ^^^^^^^ :: >>> import hcpsdk >>> >>> auth = hcpsdk.DummyAuthorization() >>> t = hcpsdk.Target('default.default.hcp1.snomis.local', auth, port=443) >>> c = hcpsdk.Connection(t) >>> c.connect_time '0.000000000010' >>> >>> r = c.PUT('/fcfs_data/hcpsdk/test1.txt', body='This is an example', params={'index': 'true'}) >>> c.response_status, c.response_reason (201, 'Created') >>> >>> r = c.HEAD('/fcfs_data/hcpsdk/test1.txt') >>> c.response_status, c.response_reason (200, 'OK') >>> c.getheaders() [('Date', 'Wed, 18 Feb 2015 16:48:49 GMT'), ('Server', 'HCP V7.1.0.10'), ('X-ArcServicedBySystem', 'hcp1.snomis.local'), ('X-ArcClusterTime', '1424278129'), ('X-RequestId', '6BB17FCE72FECA84'), ('X-HCP-ServicedBySystem', 'hcp1.snomis.local'), ('X-HCP-Time', '1424278129'), ('X-HCP-SoftwareVersion', ''), ('ETag', '"68791e1b03badd5e4eb9287660f67745"'), ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache,no-store'), ('Pragma', 'no-cache'), ('Expires', 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', '18'), ('X-ArcPermissionsUidGid', 'mode=0100400; uid=0; gid=0'), ('X-ArcTimes', 'ctime=1424278066; mtime=1424278066; ' 'atime=1424278065'), ('X-ArcSize', '18')] >>> >>> r = c.GET('/fcfs_data/hcpsdk/test1.txt') >>> c.response_status, c.response_reason (200, 'OK') >>> b'This is an example' >>> c.service_time2 0.00039696693420410156 >>> >>> r = c.DELETE('/fcfs_data/hcpsdk/test1.txt') >>> c.response_status, c.response_reason (200, 'OK') >>> c.service_time2 0.0001819133758544922 >>> >>> c.close()