hcpsdk.namespace — namespace information

hcpsdk.namespace provides access to the actual Namespace’s parameters and statistics. The hcpsdk.Target object must have been instantiated with a Namespace FQDN.


Using this class with HCP prior to version 6 will deliver partial or no results when hcpsdk.Target is configured for the Default Namespace.



class hcpsdk.namespace.Info(target, debuglevel=0)[source]

Class to access namespaces metadata information.

  • target – an hcpsdk.Target object
  • debuglevel

    0..9 (propagated to http.client)


    Query for namespace statistic information.

    Returns:a dict holding the stats
    returned dictionary (example):
    {'customMetadataObjectBytes': 13542405,
     'customMetadataObjectCount': 380107,
     'namespaceName': 'n1',
     'objectCount': 402403,
     'shredObjectBytes': 0,
     'shredObjectCount': 0,
     'softQuotaPercent': 85,
     'totalCapacityBytes': 53687091200,
     'usedCapacityBytes': 13792362496}

    List the settings of the actual (or all accessible namespace(s).

    Parameters:all – list all accessible namespaces if True, else list the actual one, only.
    Returns:a dict holding a dict per namespace
    returned dictionary (example):
    {'n2': {'defaultIndexValue': True,
            'defaultRetentionValue': 0,
            'defaultShredValue': False,
            'description': ['replicated', 'search', 'versioning'],
            'dpl': 2,
            'hashScheme': 'SHA-256',
            'name': 'n2',
            'nameIDNA': 'n2',
            'retentionMode': 'enterprise',
            'searchEnabled': True,
           'versioningEnabled': True},
     'n1': {'defaultIndexValue': True,
            'defaultRetentionValue': 0,
           'defaultShredValue': False,
           'description': ['replicated', 'search', 'no versioning'],
           'dpl': 2,
            'hashScheme': 'SHA-256',
            'name': 'n1',
            'nameIDNA': 'n1',
            'retentionMode': 'enterprise',
            'searchEnabled': True,
            'versioningEnabled': False}}

List the Retention Classes available for the actual namespace.

Returns:a dict holding a dict per Retention Class
returned dictionary (example):
{'initial_unspecified': {'autoDelete': False,
                         'description': 'Retention Class with '
                                        'an initial unspecifie'
                                        'd value.',
                         'name': 'initial_unspecified',
                         'value': -2},
 'deletion_prohibited': {'autoDelete': False,
                         'description': 'Class which prohibits'
                                        ' deletion.',
                         'name': 'deletion_prohibited',
                         'value': -1},
 'TAX_DATA': {'autoDelete': True,
              'description': 'Class for tax data - actually 10'
                             ' years.',
              'name': 'TAX_DATA',
              'value': 'A+10y'}}

List the namespace and user permissions for the actual namespace.

Returns:a dict holding a dict per permission domain
returned dictionary (example):
{'namespacePermissions': {'browse': True,
                          'changeOwner': True,
                          'delete': True,
                          'privileged': True,
                          'purge': True,
                          'read': True,
                          'readAcl': True,
                          'search': True,
                          'write': True,
                          'writeAcl': True},
 'namespaceEffectivePermissions': {'browse': True,
                                   'changeOwner': True,
                                   'delete': True,
                                   'privileged': True,
                                   'purge': True,
                                   'read': True,
                                   'readAcl': True,
                                   'search': True,
                                   'write': True,
                                   'writeAcl': True},
 'userPermissions': {'browse': True,
                     'changeOwner': True,
                     'delete': True,
                     'privileged': True,
                     'purge': True,
                     'read': True,
                     'readAcl': True,
                     'search': True,
                     'write': True,
                     'writeAcl': True},
 'userEffectivePermissions': {'browse': True,
                              'changeOwner': True,
                              'delete': True,
                              'privileged': True,
                              'purge': True,
                              'read': True,
                              'readAcl': True,
                              'search': True,
                              'write': True,
                              'writeAcl': True}}


>>> import hcpsdk.namespace
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> auth = hcpsdk.NativeAuthorization('n', 'n01')
>>> t = hcpsdk.Target('n1.m.hcp1.snomis.local', auth, port=443)
>>> n = hcpsdk.namespace.Info(t)
>>> pprint(n.nsstatistics())
{'customMetadataObjectBytes': 0,
 'customMetadataObjectCount': 0,
 'namespaceName': 'n1',
 'objectCount': 0,
 'shredObjectBytes': 0,
 'shredObjectCount': 0,
 'softQuotaPercent': 85,
 'totalCapacityBytes': 53687091200,
 'usedCapacityBytes': 0}